FANBOY/FANGIRL: A passionate fan of various elements of geek culture (e.g. sci-fi, comics, Star Wars, cartoons, anime, video games, anime, hobbits, Magic: the Gathering, etc.) who lets his/her passion override social graces....

For example...If you have a tattoo of a Transformer, superhero, , Star Trek, Star Wars, ect...yeah, you might be a FANBOY!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Alright meow, where were we...?

Do  I  liike like a cat  to you  boy? 
Am I  jumpin' arround all nimbly-bimbly  from tree to tree? 
Well I tell  ya what, Anne Hathaway aint gonna be jumpin' around all nimbly-bimbly anywhere with those shoes shes she is wearing!! 

Now us Fanboys were all up in  arms about, "why doesnt Catwoman have Kitty  ears??

And the immediate response was that Christopher Nolan always shoots for a more "practical or realistic" view....which I can totally  dig.  I  mean I  dont wanna see Anne Hatheway  dressed up  like Hello Kitty or anything like that. But lets look at  it like quote The Joker (Jack Nicholson), "what  kind of a world is it we live in  where a man dressed  up  like  BAT, steals my  press....? This town needs an enema!"...And so  does whoever thinks that translucent. five inch stiletto heels are "practical" or "realistic"! 

Yes, we get the cat ears (thank you) and we get the classic look of the Catwoman suit (circa Batman TV series featuring Lee Meriweather, Eartha Kitt, and Julie Newmar...again, thank you) And most  important, Catwoman is not just  some actress who is the "IN THING" right now who cant  act  her way  out  of a wet  paper bag!...(yes, I  am referring to  the Halle Berry  thing....again).
But I  gotta say, I  am a wee bit disappointed, I  mean the pix i  have seen thus far, she kinda looks like  one of those women  who  cant  pull off high  heels, and looks like she has a sick up  her @$$. (by the way if there are any  Fangirls reading this.... heels are NOT  sexy if you  look like you are constipated when you walk...Constipation IS NOT  SEXY!) 

Now don't get  me wrong, I  have seen some women do  some remarkable things while wearing heels....that  is a subject  for another kinda blog tho. And hey, look at  PRINCE!

He has been doing the spits wearing high heels for years...although, he DID get  a hip replacement a few years back...I  guess we will  just  have to  wait an see the final product.

One more thing.... ummm how many villains are in this flick again?  Catwoman, Bane, Talia AlGul, possibly a cameo  by Ras AlGul, whoever Joseph Gordon-Levitt is playing, and now hear tell the Scarecrow is going to  make an appearance...Again, maybe it's just  my  Fanboy  paranoia but  didnt another Batman movie have like MULTIPLE villains in it

..... AND a pretty  awful Spiderman movie? 

Notice now the first  and second Spiderman  films were good? (one hero, one main villain) and by the third movie TOO MANY VILLAINS! Same this with the Batman films (before Christian Bale) Now I am not going to sermon on Batman and  Tim Burton, but  don't worry  Fanboys and Fangirls... I  will be getting to that and  why Michael Keaton SUCKED AS BATMAN AND WHY  TIM BURTON SHOULD ONLY  BE ALLOWED TO BE INVOLVED WITH  HIS OWN WORK!....
pant...pant...pant...sorry, kinda got uh a little too  agitated there for a sec..Fanboy  rant...over,,,for now....where was I?... oh  yeah, too  many  villains! I  know all  about  merchandising. Mel Brooks taught  us...
Merchandising, merchandising, merchandising, where the real money  from the movies is made!(Spaceballs*)

But  c'mon now let's not repeat the sins of the past. We dont need too  much  story trying to  be fudgepacked into one movie.

1 comment:

  1. I don't want to see Anne Hathaway as Cat Woman. Pretty sad choice in my opinion. I guess the director was taking some of those "other drugs" that Anne was on in here last movie. Well she'll get no love from me on this one.
